Mondays — 9:00-11:00 a.m.

Neal's Publications
- "Business as Mission (BAM) In a Nutshell - All of the Basics: The Essential Roadmap for Christian Entrepreneurs." (622 pages), May 2022. Roadrunner Press.
- "A Jungle Rendevous" and "Breakthrough." Pp. 145-152, and 179-186, in A Book of Remembrance: A Collection of Everyday Miracles, , Compiled by Lynn Moffett, Editor, 2021.
- "The Prowling Lion" Pp. 99-104, in Twenty-Three Journeys to Christ:Collection of Faith Stories, Gregg Heid, 2020.
- "October," Pp. 29-31, "Silence," Pg. 49, "The Prowling Lion," Pp. 133-136 in Looking at Life: A Collection of Devotions, Poems, and Short Stories, Wolf Creek Christian Writers Network, 2019.
- The Padre, A screenplay with Toni Haas, 2017.
- Business as Mission: A Comprehensive Guide to Theory and Practice. InterVarsity Press, 2009. (528 pages.)
- “Life Without Ethics.” Foreword, in How Do Ethics Affect Your Bottom Lie? Considerations for CEOs and Senior Administrators, Randall A. Smith, ed. Jackson, Mississippi: Belhaven Books, 2007.
- “The Distinctives and Challenges of Business as Mission,” with Steven L. Rundle. In Business as Mission: From Impoverished to Empowered, Tom Steffen and Mike Barnett, eds. Pp. 16-36. William Carey Library: Pasadena, CA, 2006.
- “God’s Transformation To, Within, and Through the Marketplace: Toward a Marketplace Missiology.” A paper presented at the IFMA/ EMS national conference, Minneapolis, MN, September 24, 2005.
- “Business as Mission: The Distinctives and Challenges of a New Approach of a New Approach to World Mission’” with Steven L. Rundle. A paper presented at the Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association (IFMA) and the Evangelical Missiological Society (EMS) national conference, Minneapolis, MN, September 23, 2005.
- Transformation to, within and through the Marketplace.” In A Unifying Vision of the Church’s Mission, Luis K. Bush, ed. Pp. 63-69. Pattaya, Thailand: 2004 Forum for World Evangelization.
- “God’s Mission To, Within, and Through the Marketplace: Toward a Marketplace.” PhD dissertation, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2004.
- International Faith and Work Directory 2003-2004. Co-editor with Mike McLoughlin, David Miller, and Os Hillman. Cummings, GA: Aslan, 2004.
- “Book Review of On Kingdom Business.” In Missiology: An International Review (April 2004) XXXII(2):245-246.
- “Marketplace Missiology.” In The Mentor (January/February 2004). La Mirada, CA: Biola University School of Business.
- “Toward a Marketplace Missiology.” In Missiology: An International Review (January 2003) XXXI(1):87-97.
- Directory of Marketplace Ministries 2003. Editor. Pasadena, CA: Institute for Marketplace Ministries, 2003
- “Glad You Asked!” In The Bible in Business, R. Jenson, ed. Pp. 19-21. Sisters, OR: Questar, 1989.
- “Living Wisdom.” In The Bible in Business, R. Jenson, ed. Pp. 75-77. Sisters, OR: Questar, 1989.
What others are saying about the Business as Mission:Comprehensive Guide to Theory and Practice book:
This book is a must-read for those already doing BAM as well as for those considering BAM.
- Dwight Nordstrom, Chairman, Pacific Resources International
Neal Johnson has provided a systematic, strategic and tactical approach in answering the important question on how to conduct business as mission in a God-honoring way.
- Luis Bush, International Facilitator, Transform World Connections
Not only will this book be used for evangelism but also for securing the economic well-being of the people.
- Tetsunao Yamamore, Lausanne Senior Adviser and President/CEO of World Serve Ministries
For years to come this will be the foundational text used by mission agencies, universities and seminiaries, and business leaders interested in BAM. It identifies and simplifies the definitions, strategies, practical steps and key players in the worldwide BAM movement.
- Kent Humphreys, Ambassador, FCCI/Christ @ Works
This is easily the most comprehensive and valuable guide to business as mission ever written, perhaps because no one is better qualified to write it than Neal Johnson.
- John D. Beckett, Chairman, The Beckett Companies, and Author of Loving Monday and Mastering Monday
This Study Guide and the underlying textbook, Business as Mission in a Nutshell—All the Basics: The Essential Roadmap for Christian Entrepreneurs, were written in response to professors who want to adopt the textbook for their classes. They requested my ideas on how best to stimulate their students' full engagement with Business as Mission (BAM) and Christian entrepreneurship.
Although this Study Guide is addressed to college students, it is also designed for those entrepreneurs and business people outside the classroom who want to learn about and/or do BAM. Through the text and Study Guide each of them will find practical “How to” guidance and in-depth insights in their quest to honor Jesus through business, whether in a domestic or international setting.
For all readers, I sincerely hope and pray that this study will cause them to seriously ask questions such as:
- How can I make my life meaningful for the Lord?
- How can/will this course, the basic textbooks, and this Study Guide help open my mind and heart to greater possibilities for a life of service through business?
How can I be both a missionary to the utmost parts of the earth—or to the poverty areas of my own country—and still be the businessperson that I feel called to be?
Business as Mission (BAM) In a Nutshell:
A Comprehensive Guide to Theory and Practice
As global economics become increasingly interconnected, Christian business people and entrepreneurs have unanticipated opportunities to build kingdom-strategic business ventures. BAM requires mastery of both the world of business and the world of missions, merging and contextualizing both into something significantly different than either alone. C. Neal Johnson offers the first comprehensive guide to business as mission for practitioners. He provides conceptual foundations for understanding BAM's unique place in global mission and prerequisites for engaging in it.
Business as Mission (BAM) In a Nutshell - All of the Basics:
The Essential Roadmap for Christian Entrepreneurs
The book shows you:
- How to own your own business!
- How to take your business to the next level!
- How to use your business to honor God!
- How to give your life meaning!
In this sequel to his earlier seminal book, Business as Mission (BAM): A Comprehensive Guide to Theory and Practice, Dr. C. Neal Johnson gives you a wholly original, fresh way of visualizing Business as Mission and then becoming a BAM entrepreneur. Business people, BAM practitioners, academics, and missionaries globally sing their praises for this new book.
C. Neal Johnson (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary; Juris Doctor), has spoken and taught globally on BAM for the past 30 years. His original influential and inspiring book has received wide acclaim. Neal brings to his writings his extensive forty-five-year career, both domestically and internationally, as a practicing attorney, educator, missionary, businessman, banker, and entrepreneur.