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Untitled design

GJ Woods

 Mr. G. L. Woods is one of those rare people who was actually born in Washington, D. C., though he lived in the Maryland suburbs all his life.  With his wife of 52+ years, he joyfully moved to the bucolic Rocky Mountains after his retirement from the telecommunications industry.  He has been an avid hunter since the age of 12 and continues that passion every year.  He is a faithful believer; a devoted husband; a very proud father, father-in-law, and grandfather; a dear brother; and a loyal friend.  Mr. Woods has been writing sporadically throughout his life with no thought to publishing his work.  His most meaningful work is a thankful and reverent tribute to the favor God bestowed upon him during a truly life-threatening event.  Mr. Woods finished his first book, "Never As It Seems," in 2023.  It should be available from Amazon later this year (2024).  His second book (untitled), coming next year (2025), is in final editing.  His third book is under development.