Mondays — 9:00-11:00 a.m.

Gonner Family Photo @1891
- The Adventures of a Horse Named George - Coming September 2023
- The Photographer's Women - novel
- Durango, Colorado: Photography of Frank Gonner 1889-1912 - a photo-biography
- Poetry for Downriver Poets & Playrights - a local poetry group
Kathy Gibson
Author, Genealogist, and Presenter
Kathy Bailey Gibson spent her formative years in Golden, Colorado. Family trips to Durango each summer to visit her grandmother created a deep desire to know Colorado history. Kathy inherited her great aunt's trunk in 1986 which was filled with obituaries, photographs, diaries, old letters from the 1870's and 80's, and family memorabilia. She became the self-appointed family genealogist and has studied the family since. That involves researching Durango history through newspaper articles and genealogies of the people her family knew in the town between 1881 and the present. Her great grandfather is the subject of two writing projects, a historical fiction and a photo-biography of his historical photographs taken between 1889 and 1912. she acquired her BFA in painting and drawing from Texas Tech University and lives in Michigan now. She and her family visit Durango yearly to research and spend time with family members, the living and deceased.
Kathy is the great granddaughter of Frank X Gonner, 1860-1912
"and many are the dead men too silent to be real" - Gordon Lightfoot
Kathy is part of the Downriver Poets & Playrights and affiliated with Women Writing the West, American Christian Fiction Writers, Southwest Colorado Genealogical Society, Downriver Genealogical Society, and Luxembourg American Cultural Society.
Published Works & Presentations
- 19th Century Colorado Photographers - a photo-biography of Frank X Gonner 1860-1912
- Durango Through the Eyes of Frank Gonner Presentation
- Early Photographers of Durango
- Short Biographies
- 1904 World's Fair Group publication
- The NATHHAN Resource Guide - a guide for parents educating their child with special needs at home - 1990