Mondays — 9:00-11:00 a.m.

Wolf Creek Christian Writers Network is looking for presenters who are sympathetic to our mission statement: "To equip and encourage writers to stretch their faith through the power of the word and inspire them to reach the world for the Lord Jesus Christ."
We need from you:
Time Zone:
Phone Number:
Author's Website:
Author's Facebook URL:
Short Bio: Tell us who you are, your platform, and your expertise in writing.
Presentation: What kind of presentation and topics would you like to share?
The format can be teaching, inspiration sharing, interviews or classroom exercise. Do you use Power Point or other means?
We allot 1 hour for presentation and Q&A. If more or less time is needed, please indicate.
- We operate on pro bono
- If an author has any books for purchase, let WCCN know how to purchase them online.
- May we “like” or leave a good review for any of your published works? If yes, where is that?
- How else might our group support you in your writing career?
We post meetings on WCCWN Facebook, Website, What's Happening Page and the WCCWN Monthly Calendar. We will notify you in order to link with your business/personal Website and Facebook pages when you provide the applicable links.
WCCWN Website:
WCCWN Facebook:
For more information, contact Betty Slade at or 970-264-2824.