Mondays — 9:00-11:00 a.m.
A new Christmas perspective by Eric Fisk
Dec 23, 2024
My early-age perspective of Christmas was skewed as much as most every child’s is today. The premise that Christmas is nothing more than getting goodies and gifts overshadowed the story of the birth of mankind’s Savior. The overshadowing can be attributed to the one who lurks in the shadows.
His goal has always been to thwart anyone’s belief in the Most Holy God. To have come to this realization so late in my life makes me wonder if my Christian faith would be stronger or weaker if my heart had been changed while I was a child. Would the world have tried to turn my heart back to stone? That answer is yes. We see this hardening of hearts throughout our community and across this world.
Today, however, I know I am exactly where I am supposed to be. There is nothing in our lives that is not as it should be. There are many things in this world that are against the things of God. But there is nothing that is not ordained by an omniscient God. Those who feel as though all is falling apart in their lives are exactly where they are to be. God’s love and justice is purely holy.
I have thought that in end times, when the Bible states that all knees will bow to the King of Kings, that some may not willingly. That some will be driven to their knees. But as I write this, I wonder if people will ask for help when they are at their lowest point in life. They see that this world cannot pull them out of the pit full of mire. Only God can do that. So, every knee may in fact bow to the King, but that does not mean their salvation is secure.
On the flip side, the thief on the cross who rejected Christ is evidence that this is probably not a biblical view. He was at his lowest point, and mocked Christ. He was not to be with Christ in paradise that day. God the Father had not given this guy to Christ. His name was not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. However, he was exactly where he was supposed to be. He may have had the revelation that Jesus was in fact the Son of God prior to his own passing, but without a God-given heart change, he was stuck in his destiny.
I dread thinking where my attitude would have taken me if I had not asked for spiritual help years ago. I thank God that He gave me the ability to ask for that help. I certainly would not have a correct view of the Christmas season, nor would I be seeking an understanding of the story of salvation. Today, I can truly say that my heart was changed from stone to flesh. My mind is being renewed daily towards the things of God. Joy is finally here in my life.
God changes hearts. I am eternally grateful that He did that for me. Though I will never know the depth of Holy Scripture fully in this life, the act of seeking the depth of God’s written word brings joy and living water to my soul.
The Christmas season has meaning that is truly supernatural. Walking with the Holy Spirit daily brings understanding that is beyond description. Thanks be to God that I was pulled from the miry pit of the world. He is the One who gives life. He is the light of the world. God the Father, giving His Son to us for our salvation, is by far the best Christmas gift anyone could be given. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him. Jesus will never let go of those the Father has given Him. How could we possibly ask for anything better?
Theresa Lussi says (Jan 15, 2025):
Amen Eric! Thank God for His saving grace.